Sunday, June 24, 2018

I will craft out ten STANDOUT brand name for you and matching domain + social media availability+ sl

I will craft out ten STANDOUT brand name for you and matching domain + social media availability+ sl


Welcome, The tone of your business name will set the scene for every interaction you have with your customers. Your name gives customers an idea of what to expect, and if their expectations don’t match up with reality, they are going to feel like something is wrong. Your name is the first component of your communications, and if you get your tone mixed up, then it leads people to feel that you don’t have a clear vision and they may assume that other parts of your business are similarly disorganised. This is perhaps one of the more obvious ways your name can affect your success. Generally, a good business name will reflect who you are or what you do; ideally it will say both. While you can go with something a bit abstract if it fits the character of your business, a clear name that doesn’t leave room for confusion is invaluable. if you find it hard to come up with a name, you order my gig now, what you will get from my gig:

Qualitative brand name
Great matching domain
Social media handle availability just perfect for your brand
Beautiful tagline/slogan

my gig is tailored to address your projects, why don't you contact me and let's discuss







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