Monday, June 25, 2018

I will create 10 best damn business name,app name,website name

I will create 10 best damn business name,app name,website name


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 I am a full-time brand development specialist. I help people just like you create business names, taglines, and logos that grab the attention of their targeted audiences.

In this gig, I will suggest 10 brand names for your business.

All these brand names will be:

- Short (5-10 characters)
- Catchy
- Easy to remember
- Easy to pronounce
- Available for instant buy in .com domain


fizzykay:innovative names, while i didn't go with the name I used elements of the ones he provided

asrocks222:Great Buyer , Easy Transaction

fls4ext:Good job!!

asrocks222:Good buyer , easy transaction

fivese7en:Great work!

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