Thursday, October 25, 2018

I will create a brand identity

I will create a brand identity


One of the most difficult parts of starting a company is the branding. Your friends and family will always give you a name based of what comes to their head, or they will agree with your ideas to not hurt feelings. 

This is business. The person naming your company will get to know who you are, how many partners there are, what the company is about, I will find out as much as I can to create and invoke the most emotion and memorability. I have created many brands, helped named many companies and creating unique slogans to set the perfect vibe to a brand off the bat. 

When creating your name, I will take into consideration many different aspects such as languages, cultures, vulgar words, ways the name can be lost in transition, marketing details for future ideas, website availability, seo search words used to increase your brand online naturally. 

I will also create a logo, slogan and tagline for your business or brand. Which will be taken into consideration while the naming and market research is in progress as well. 







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