I will help you brand your business in 48 hours

js-gig-main-desc ">Do you want your business to stand out from the competition?Your brand is key
In this gig I will give 5 branding concepts that help your business build value and and resonate with potential customers.
Each order is hand crafted to fit your needs.
You can use them throughout your marketing online or off and start bringing in new customers.
I can help with ANY business or product
- Brick and Mortor
- Online Business
- Blog
- Product Line
- Service
- You Name It I'll Brand It (Check my other gig if you need a name)
Brand Power Pack 1
- 5 in-depth marketing concepts that will give your brand more identity including mission statements and others way to refine your image.
- 5 blog subjects or themes that will help generate more search and social media traffic.
Business Power Pack 2
Twitter and Social Media Booster -
- Bio that will help people find and follow your account naturally
- Suggested target audiences and how to find HQ follows
E-Mail Marketing Quick Start
- Basic Email marketing concept
- 3 call to action techniques for e-mail gathering


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